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100 Events on the Common

Worcester Common Oval#Worcester100
Get ready for a whole new level of fun with 100 events at Worcester Common!

City Manager Augustus has issued a challenge to staff and community - one hundred events at the Worcester Common. What did we have to say about that? Challenge accepted! We have a lot of fun stuff planned from farmers' markets to free movies, but we would love to hear your ideas too! Make your voices heard and let us know what events you want to experience and use the hashtag #Worcester100 on any social network to spread the word!

If you're an event organizer interested in hosting your event on the Common, please call (508) 799-1175 or email

Search Comments

Vote Total Comment Submitted By Date Submitted Views Replies
9 Beer and Food Festival Sheam2 2/9/2017 @ 9:39 am 2041 2
7 Chinese Lanterns predmoresj 2/8/2017 @ 1:28 pm 1715 1
5 Music Festival rjc52 2/9/2017 @ 10:05 am 1593 1
5 Roller skating on the oval! Angiejoy 2/7/2017 @ 6:06 pm 1597 1
5 World Cup Qualifier Watch Parties shaughnessy.aj 2/8/2017 @ 4:18 pm 1576 1
3 Lights Deb 2/8/2017 @ 10:19 am 1796 2
2 Kan Jam Tournament Sak 2/12/2017 @ 7:53 pm 1570 1
0 Far From Eden Concert lisashea 2/17/2017 @ 0:01 am 1460 0
0 Test gayle 1/7/2018 @ 12:46 pm 1165 0
0 Event to improve this site gayle 3/26/2017 @ 5:59 pm 2834 0

100 Events on the Common RSS 2.0

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