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I think Food trucks are a great idea in Worcester and I fully support the idea of having more of them here! Worcester has such diversity that the prices (which are normally better than at a restaurant) would significantly help low income people by splurging for a good meal. Also, I find that food trucks food is even BETTER than restaurants as they usually have a staple dish that they try to sell. For example, the Dogfather truck sells hot dogs or How We Roll sells comfort food within egg rolls whereas a resaurant usually offers several different options which can result in lesser quality of food.
I think the most beneficial places would be near colleges and places that are popular for late night outings (Shrewsbury St, Water St, Green St, Main St, Park Ave, Highland Ave, etc). Also close to low income housings may be a great idea also.
I would like to see all types of food in food trucks. For 4th of July in Boston, they always have a variety of food trucks on the Cambridge side by the water for you to choose from. I love all of the ideas for food trucks for breakfast, lunch dinner, dessert and late night. My favorite ideas of trucks are - Taco, Spanish food, Middle Eastern food, Thai food, Chinese food, Grilled Cheese, Baked Potatoes, Indian food, greasy late night foods, cupcakes, cake balls, cookies, pizza, etc. I'm pretty much down for all food trucks! To give you an idea my absolute two favorite food trucks are the How we Roll in Pittsfield, MA (http://howweroll-shirecity.com/) and the Chicken & Rice guys (http://www.cnrguys.com/) in the Boston area
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