Worcester, MA

E-Citizen Crowdsourcing

Welcome to the City of Worcester's Online Crowdsourcing Collaborative!

The City wants to hear from you!

Listed below are topics for which the City of Worcester wants input from residents. We encourage you to register a user account and participate in the online discussion. If you do not wish to submit a comment, you can still register a user account and vote on submitted comments. The highest rated comments move to the top of the list for consideration. To begin, click a topic of interest from the list below.

Topic Comments Last Post
100 Events on the Common 10 Test by gayle on 1/7/2018 @ 12:46 pm

Newest Comments...

  1. Test
  2. Event to improve this site
  3. Far From Eden Concert
  4. Kan Jam Tournament
  5. Music Festival

Highest Voted Comments...

  1. Beer and Food Festival
  2. Chinese Lanterns
  3. Music Festival
  4. World Cup Qualifier Watch Parties
  5. Roller skating on the oval!

Please create an account or log in to submit your comments or vote on those submitted by other users.

The ideas and opinions expressed by registered users of this forum are those of the authors
and do not reflect the opinions of the City of Worcester, MA.

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