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This pilot program isn't feasible from a business perspective. Food trucks would only be able to operate Fridays and Saturdays from 11 AM to 9 PM at the three desigated locations.
What sort of profit can be made when they are only open 20 hours a weeks? And during hours when most other food establishments are open? The whole appeal of a food truck is convenience- a quick work day lunch on a nice day, a bite to eat while out at the park, or something to eat late night after restaurants are closed.
This barely addresses those points, and is only for a limited period, from September to November. It's July 22nd. That's not a very long time to get your business together, truck operational, and inspected.
I'm disappointed with this milquetoast plan.
I agree that what they are proposing for a TRIAL period ,isn't. Now if there is follow up ,like how many applied ,are they taking applications for next year,are other vendors like craft cart eligible, .My understanding is that Parks would allow 1 per park but only 4 parks are taken. Doesn't anyone want Beaver brook,has anyone applied at Crompton? Any records?
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