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I think Food Trucks can be a great addition for the City Of Worcester and also a great tool for combating food injustice in poor communities where healthy food is hard to come by. So I think pushing for food trucks that sell salads, fruits (Especially in the summer!), veggies, and healthy drinks would be help folks in poor commuties that the only food they have access to is Mcdonalds, Burger King, Little Ceasars, etc. Maybe a partnership with Pure Juz, REC, and others?
Market will determine what is sold. Food trucks are a business but this is the reason there should be equal opportunity to establish sites and then people can have a choice and not just have to have a hot dog because nothing else is available
I can see how that would go.
Truck Owner> I want to sell burgers.
Politician> No, I want youto sell carrot sticks and salad.
Truck Owner> But no one buys that stuff. I'll be out of business in a week.
Politician> Trust me. We took a poll. Everyone wants food that is good for you. And if you don't sell carrot sticks and salad, we won't give you a permit.
Truck Owner> Ok, but I'm telling you, no one buys that stuff.
One weel Later:
Truck Owner to Politician> I went out of business. No one bought my carrot sticks and salad. Kids went yuck when they saw the menu.
Politician> Must have been your recipes. Everyony one wants healthy food. The poll said so.
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