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Since the City does things on a TRIAL basis ,I would like economic development and council to make sure that other street vendors don't become excluded because of a loophole. Other vendors usually will follow the crowd that follows food vendors if their wares apply to that spot. For example ,arts and crafts vendors for downtown etc. The City should not be afraid of small businesses like craft vendors . They bring other people into areas to walk around and that promotes foot traffic which the City needs.
Again let other vendors like crafts into making vibrant areas.
So food trucks should be arranged to show up at more places covering more areas of Worcester that every people as long as they want can walk to.
Franckly speaking, I am always starving during my daily work due to limited food choices close enough to have my breakfasts and lunches. I feel sad when I am hungry. But from the proposed only 3 locations, I will not have any chance to get involved in the food trucks for my stomach.
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