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This pilot ptogram is a travesty, nothing more than another sign of the arrogance - and probable corruption - of our city officials. How can they justify these restrictions regarding where and how many food trucks will be allowed? Nowhere around the DCU? Are you kidding?? That is where they SHOULD be!!
The public has a right to patronize - or not - any business they prefer, yet self-serving politicians seem to think they are the only ones to choose who deserves to succeed and who does not. Makes me sicker than a green hot dog from a convenience store.
Among the more onerous of the problems with this pilot program is giving preference to existing "brick-and-mortar" operations. That is fundamentally lazy and unfair. The health department simply needs to do its job and inspect the trucks, but let them operate unfettered if they pass.
Also, once a truck serving Food Type A is given a permit, that means no one else operating a truck serving that same category will be allowed to operate. In a city where there is a CVS across from every Walgreens and where an entire street of restaurants can openly compete with each other, that is simply unacceptable.
Lastly, if the city's restauranteurs are afraid their businesses will be hurt, then they need to step up their game, not try to stomp out competition with dirty tactics. But, that's not how Worcester works. The good old boy network of favoritism and patronage is alive and well here.
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