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The times for off-leash activity should be more flexible to accomodate owners' various work schedules.
Large areas for working dogs and sporting dogs are needed in order for them to run off leash. My dog needs to run. She is a herding dog. She catches a frisbee and is very gentle around children and adults.
Any fine for not scooping poop, even $15.00 would be effective. $100 is far too high for "littering" with quickly biodegradable waste. Squirrels, cats, racoons, ground hogs, skunks, coyotes and other animals poop outdoors. We don't run around scooping up all that waste. It's natural food for plants. If the fine for not scooping dog poop is $100. and up, then the fine for littering in parks with plastic cups and glass bottles should be 5 times that amount and should be strictly enforced.
beside the above site mentioned on DPW lot on Shrewsbury st, there were 2 people who attended the 1st of a seris of 4 meetings going on now , who brought up a site that they stated they brought up at a Indian lake Masterplan meeting that would be perfect for a dog park there -and again heard nothing else about it since.
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